Fruit and vegetable seasonal guide

Sourcing the freshest fruits and vegetables is what we do best, but here is a seasonal guide just for you, to keep in the know.

Fruit seasonal guide

Apples are available all year round with May being your optimal source month.

Avocados are seasonal with March to November being your optimal source for South African grown avocados.

Strawberries are available all year round with July to December being your optimal source for South African grown strawberries.

Watermelon are seasonal with November to April being your optimal source for South African grown Watermelons.

Grapes are seasonal with December to March being your optimal source for South African grown grapes.

Tomatoes, cherry tomatoes and rosa tomatoes are found all year round.

Citrus fruits such as oranges, limes, lemons, grapefruit, clementines, mandarins and tangerines are seasonal with May to November being your optimal source for South African grown citrus.

Mangoes are seasonal with December to April being your optimal source months.

Pears are available all year round with January to May being your optimal source months.

Pineapples are available all year round.

Vegetable seasonal guide

Red onions, white onions and spring onions are available all year round.

Potatoes are available all year round.

Mushrooms are available all year round.

Asparagus are available all year round with September to February being your optimal source months.

Carrots for bulk ordering

Carrots are available all year round.

Cucumbers are available all year round.

Peppers are available all year round.

Lettuce for bulk ordering

Lettuce are found all year round.

Hubbard Squash and Pumpkins are available all year round with October being your optimal source months.